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Heather’s antique road show

Posted on February 24, 2016 by Sunny South News

By Heather Murray

As Sunny South News celebrates country life and rural living, the following is quite fitting, as an added “As I See It” column. Enjoy. *Editor
Antiques have always interested me. Maybe that’s because, I am old. It is like taking a step through some unforeseen portal into days long past. Memories are brought to mind of items that were new in our time.
For a moment, lets take a walk down memory lane. Remember the old radios about 50 or 60 years ago? I remember, once a week my family and I would listen to “The Happy Gang” on the radio. One or all of the members of “The Happy Gang” would say with such great emphasis — “What Hour Is It?” If you were like us we would shout out, “It’s the Happy Gang Hour.” Or perhaps you might remember when the very first televisions were sold. In the beginning, the pictures were in black and white. As a child I was thrilled when my parents bought our first black and white TV. Each day I made it home on time to watch “The Howdy Doody Show.” Other shows were “The Lone Ranger” or “The Roy Rogers Show.”
On the other hand, our mothers probably remember scrubbing clothes on a wash board and hanging them out on a clothesline to dry. Others may remember the old gramophones with a horn attached or the old treddle sewing machines. There was a period in history, when roll-up vinyl records were introduced into the market (I don’t believe they were in production for very long.). They were the type you could roll up and put in your pocket until you were ready to use it. You might remember the old telephones, cameras, china dinner sets, irons or butter churns and many more such things. The list could go on and on.
One of my favourites is the old wood stove that was used to cook on and bake in. I think it’s a favourite because for me it whispers, “come sit down by the old wood stove to warm yourself and to taste of the wares that are baked there in.”
Traditionally, these were fuelled by wood. Interestingly, one of the earliest recorded kitchen wood stoves was the so-called stew stove. In 1735, a French designer by the name of Francois Cuvills developed the kitchen stove and officially termed it the “Castrol Stove.”
While travelling through central Alberta this year, I came across a store located in Vegreville called Smoking Gun Antiques & Collectibles. So of course I had to go and take a look. (that was a given). It was like walking through a time portal all over again. A place, where history comes to meet one at its door. You could tell Rick, the owner, liked antiques. The antiques were well displayed and well kept. He had quite a good variety and continues to replenish stock. The owner seemed quite knowledgeable and very helpful. If one is ever in the area, it is worthwhile taking a look.
Every antique has a story to tell. Wouldn’t it be great if we knew what stories they could tell us? Maybe you have one or more antiques in your house given to you and have been handed down from generation to generation. Search them out and see what secrets they may hold. They may have an interesting story to tell.
Well I am going on and on like an old broken record. Now, I am going to step out through the time portal and back to the present. Until next time, when I venture through the portal of time and into the antique world once again.

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