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Lethbridge County to consider changes to bylaw prohibiting cattle in hamlets

Posted on July 14, 2022 by Sunny South News

By Erika Mathieu
Sunny South News

During a recent delegation, Lethbridge County council heard from landowners requesting changes to the current Bylaw No. 17-008 which prohibits keeping any animals, other than cats and dogs on parcels of land less than two acres.

The landowners appeared before council and expressed concern over the bylaw which prohibits cattle on parcels of land greater than two acres, but allows horses. The landowners own a pastured parcel of land with adequate fencing, which they said has been maintained over the years to accommodate a small number of cattle. The property in question is located on the east end of the hamlet of Iron Springs and consists of three acres. The delegate said his family has put “countless hours into the property,” and was not aware of the bylaw until recently.

The couple has two full-grown cows, one yearling, and one calf, and said they have received no complaints from neighbours or adjacent landowners, and have requested council consider amending the portion of the bylaw to possibly include cattle to be permitted on parcels of land greater than two acres.

CAO Ann Mitchel noted the bylaw changed in 2017 and explained additional context and background on the reasoning will be included in a report which will be presented to council at a later council meeting.

The delegate said, “We strongly feel we need this bylaw needs to be updated which means allowing cattle (within) the proper amount of land.” He added the property, upon purchase, was already suited for livestock. “We have had cattle for over two years without any knowledge of this bylaw, but we are aware of it now and are wanting a change.”

Council received the agenda item as information and directed administration to provide a report so council may consider amendments at a later council meeting.

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