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I was astonished to read the “Opinion” column in the Aug. 18 edition of the Sunny South News (“People who choose not to wear a face mask should not be shamed”). It’s no wonder the author didn’t reveal their name. The Medicine Hat News must be desperate if they put this garbage on their editorial page.
The nameless author contends that wearing face masks does little to keep people from catching or spreading COVID-19. The author further implies that a face mask killed someone! Did it strangle the man? If it’s unclear, why make that statement?
The author cites Dr. Hinshaw, WHO, and Health Canada as casting doubt on the effectiveness of wearing face masks. Maybe if the piece was researched properly, the current thinking that wearing masks definitely reduces the spread of the disease would be known by the author. I wear one to protect the people that I come in contact with in case I’m infected and asymptomatic. From all that I’ve seen, you really don’t want to get, or be responsible for anyone else getting this disease.
Lately I’ve noticed a disturbing undercurrent on social media questioning whether subverting our civil rights and quality of life by mask wearing or restricting our social interactions for the greater good is worth it. In fact, this “opinion” piece seems to be doing just that.
I would like to point out to all of those doubters to just look south of the border. It’s working out well for them, isn’t it?
Mary Dieser
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