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Post-pandemic apprehension could be a new ailment for those anxious of what’s to come

Posted on June 1, 2021 by Sunny South News

With a somewhat hopeful summer on the horizon, as Alberta and the rest of the world may resemble some sort of normalcy – anxiety, fear and uncertainty become prevalent for some. The pandemic has made life abnormal, scarred – changed. This transformation only took a short period of time to leave citizens of planet Earth shaken, confused – but with a new sense of hope. A desire to evolve and become better, more equipped and stronger as each community perseveres.

It’s welcome news and a breath of fresh air. As the world begins to heal and move forward, some societal members will be apprehensive, at first, as they slowly dip their toes into the pool. Others will surely just dive right in. What will life look like, post-pandemic? How will humans react and/or act? When will life be pandemic-free? Why will some humans be nervous about a postpandemic life, while other flourish? Where will humans be 20 years from now and postpandemic? These are questions to ponder and each and every human will answer it differently, depending on their circumstances.

It’s been one hell of a ride! And, it just may not be over, quite yet. Humans need to be vigilant, stealthy (like health and safety ninjas), kind, caring and citizens need to look out for one another – even more now, than ever. It’s essential. Paying it forward could be a plan, as it has been over the years. Everyone could use a pat on the back or elbow bump these days. Being thankful and grateful are key, while mapping out the next chapter in each of our lives. It may continue to be bumpy for a little while, but “keep on keepin’on” fellow humans.

In time, hopefully, many humans can look back at the past year and some change and let out a big sigh of relief. Stressful times, could be behind us. The majority of human beings came together to work collectively, collaboratively for the common good. Kudos to us! Most of us played OK in the sandbox. 2020 and now 2021 are undoubtedly years to forget – but hopefully, learn from. To learn is to grow. Most humans have developed a simple sense of humility, humour, humbleness and a nurturing spirit – as humans learned how to co-exist in a world that has been even more topsy-turvy.

Holy cow! What can one say, when describing life since the spring of 2020. This moment in time has defined humankind as a remarkable species, for the most part. Life has not been like a box of chocolates, that’s for sure Forrest Gump. It hasn’t been all that sweet and its bitterness has soured many a human’s soul. Maybe, this summer will allow humans to press restart. A chance to regroup and redefine what life is all about.

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