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To reiterate and to be blunt — Alberta politics need an extreme makeover. Out with the bad, and in with the good.
What are southern Albertans’ thoughts on a spring election? Provincial politicians are readying themselves for the undeniable weird and uncanny sport of pre-schmoozing and marketing each individual’s selling points under the umbrella of a political party willing to stand behind him/her — for the time being.
What if a gambler, not you Kenny Rogers, could bet on the outcome of a provincial election? Betting on the sure thing is practical and usually the way to go but if you’re a betting man/woman you might want to put all the money on the underdog…Which in today’s political party is the Green Party, NDP and the Liberal Party. How it got that way — remains a conundrum. Somebody call Scooby Doo and his Mystery Machine gang.
Maybe, the Progressive Conservatives will fall from grace. Maybe, the PCs will go quietly without a temper tantrum or perhaps PC politicians will cross-over to the Wildrose Party or any of the other parties running — if the going gets tough.
Someday, maybe the PCs will lose their Sven Gali-like hold on the masses through their magic and hypnotic snake charming ways.
What is it that attracts the Alberta masses to vote each and every time Conservative? What is it that has made many vote Wildrose, only to be let down by many of its “doing it for the constituents” bleeding hearts? Why, do the PCs continue to tell Albertans what they don’t want to hear but still get voted in? It makes no sense.
This spring, take a look at the leaders who have been elected previously. What have they done for you lately? If you’re happy with the turmoil and deceit then by all means check the PC box come election day, if not, then choose wisely. Research the candidates. Become one with Facebook, Twitter and websites, which feature politicians of all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life and political parties.
Many Albertans live life paycheque to paycheque. Many Albertans don’t give a deep fried pickle about provincial politics, unless a sales tax implementation or healthcare premium charge is brought up in the media. Many Albertans have grown up voting for one party or another without asking why. This time, ask ‘why?’ Why am I voting for so and so or for what political party? Only then, can you make an educated choice. Not just a passed down trait like a receding hairline or big hips.
The economy stinks, it has for a long time, no matter what Albertans have heard. It’s a fact, but the world’s economy has stunk before. We want, want want but not only that, we need, need, need too but many Albertans can’t even afford some of the basic necessities of life.
It has been said many Albertans are one paycheque away from poverty. That’s right, Alberta politicians. The time to act was then, before an upcoming election. Not now, with a soon-to-be announcement, no doubt, of a spring election. It’s better late than never, just doesn’t cut it anymore but sadly, the Sven Gali-like hold the PCs have seem to mastered will still allure a vast majority of people to vote for the leadership in power for decades. It gets stale.
If there’s an election — Albertans…VOTE. But, most importantly take an interest in the candidates running. Don’t just vote one way or the other because that’s the way your parents voted or because the dog told you to do it.
The Internet can serve as an invaluable service. It’s true. It can provide voters a chance to learn about those wanting, needing and counting on your vote.
An educated vote goes a long way.
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