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Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Posted on March 10, 2015 by Sunny South News

If Alberta Premier Jim Prentice wants to play the blame game, in regards to all of Alberta’s lack of money woes, it’s time to face the grim reality — the Conservatives have been in power for decades. Case closed.
If anyone’s to blame, it’s the province’s reckless government spending and one-stream revenue source sucking the well dry (so to speak) — relying only on big gas and oil to fuel it’s old school ways of thinking.
Any political party taking over the reins would have a heck of a time fixing the plethora of issues plaguing Alberta at this time — similar to how U.S. President Obama had to sweep up the mess left by the W. Bush debacle.
Shouldn’t Prentice and the other provincial Conservatives in political power share responsibility, including every Conservative voter in any past election over the last few decades? Those Albertans who almost religiously vote Conservative, without question.
So, Albertans being blamed by the Conservatives, take that notion to the polls next time there’s an election. It seems Conservative politicians don’t really want or need your vote.
The rhetoric is simply a big “F” you to the Albertans who vote Conservative by the powers that be, elected by said Albertans in the first place.
Not only is Joe and Sally Albertan being blamed for all of the province’s troubles — everyday Albertans, according to the powers that be, should also step up and pay more taxes to fix the problems caused by the chosen ones elected to lead this province to prosperity.
In the meantime though, corporations get to smile pretty and nod for the camera, not having to foot any of the bill whatsoever, or so it seems.
Alberta needs to figure out a way to dig itself out of the Conservative rut.
In the spirit of David Letterman’s Top Ten lists, here’s the Top Five Reasons the Conservatives Keep On Disappointing the Electorate (Part One):
5. Gas is not the only resource the province could exploit. Alberta has a plethora of sun, wind and rain too.
4. Big business is only “big” because of its customers. Albertans make up some of that revenue source, don’t they?
3. Taxes are of use to help the province get on track, when used correctly and charged to those equally.
2. Perhaps, the government could downsize. Do Albertans really need that many Ministers of this and that and that other thing?
1. Politicians, even though many will disagree, live better than most Albertans. Maybe politicians should live just above poverty, as both the politician and their significant other works two or three jobs just to make ends meet.
One last reason: No matter how many times a politician will say there’s no disconnect with regular Albertans — THERE IS.

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