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Volunteerism is the backbone of each and every community across the country and throughout the province.
This week marks National Volunteer Week — a week when volunteers are celebrated nationally but each and every community needs to be grateful for all the hard work and dedication volunteers give without wanting anything in return except for the warm and fuzzy feeling in the cockles of the heart of a job well done. Thank the volunteers in your community and say, “You rock and keep up the great work.”
If volunteers ceased to exist, the world would be at a standstill. Volunteers keep the cogs of the machine rolling and moving, if volunteers didn’t volunteer, the machine would grind to a sudden halt — leaving chaos in its lurch.
Volunteers selflessly take on any job given, while smiling and saying, “What else can I do?” Women, men, children, and seniors step up to the volunteer plate to make sure community events, organizations and activities happen.
Without volunteers, many organizations, events and activities would be defunct and would fizzle out. Volunteers are the lifeblood of many an organization, event and activity. Thanks volunteers.
Volunteer: V is for very helpful. O is for outstanding. L is for loving. U is for unstoppable. N is for nice. T is for terrific. E is for energetic. The other E is for engaging. R is for really hard working. S is for super.
Volunteers are the real superheroes in today’s busy and bustling world. They often save the day without wanting thanks. They do it because they can and want to lend a helping hand.
But, volunteerism is fading and many volunteers are burning out from too many hours volunteering for this and that.
Sometimes, a volunteer can no longer help out and it’s up to others in a community to roll up their sleeves to get down to work for an organization, for an event or activities.
It’s tough today to not over-use a volunteer’s good will and hours of help. Many community organizations and events are suffering from volunteer fatigue. And, it’s not getting any better, or so it seems.
Great expectations run high for local volunteers, always at the ready to pick up the slack but many volunteers need a breather, a chance to recover from past volunteering experiences. Those in need of volunteers, need to realize not to over-use non-paid hired help.
Even though it’s tough nowadays to keep volunteers, there are many volunteers who still keep on keeping on. And, that’s great for those organizations, events and activities in need of volunteers.
To keep volunteer spirit intact is to treat volunteers well. Give ‘em some perks, make them feel wanted and make sure to thank, thank and thank them for their tireless efforts.
This National Volunteer Week take a moment to reflect on all the volunteers that have made a difference in your life. Perhaps, volunteer yourself and give back to your community too. And, if you are a volunteer — THANKS.
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