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Best of humanity shines on darkest of days

Posted on May 17, 2016 by Sunny South News

Human beings have a tendency to surprise, when the going gets tough for some. Humans gather collectively together for the better good, when others are knee deep in trouble. The human species continued to show promise recently, as fellow humans came to the aid of those needing it most up north in Fort McMurray, while lives and livelihoods were destroyed by wildfire.
Perseverance, hope in a better day and the love of other human beings came to the rescue those days. These days, help still continues to trickle in with many events held to raise funds for the victims of the wildfire devastation. Fear and tragedy was unfortunately in the spotlight during the worst of the flames and it was the best of humanity that rose above the smoke to reveal our ability to rise against the ills of society and Mother Nature’s wrath to become one province, one nation and one species — humans are indeed amazing at times.
Race, nationality, political views, sexual orientation — none of that matters when humans are just being humans. A band of misfits but stronger due to strength in numbers, which in turn, offered strength and resolve to those needing a small breath of fresh air and a glimpse of hope on the horizon.
Reading and watching the news, seeing news stories online and social media posts about the Fort McMurray situation brought a sense of tragic empathy but also a moment of truth. Witnessing the power of people being caring, thoughtful, compassionate and loving beings to one another, no matter what position in life, was a proud moment to be alive. Thank you fellow Albertans, Canadians, Earthlings for showing each other, the world is indeed a great place.
Sadly though, after the smoke settles in Fort McMurray, the residents/prior residents of the community must go on with their lives. Some have been left without homes, while others will rebuild and continue to keep on keeping on in the city. Others will move on to new communities, new homes, new jobs and new lives. Those, not living in Fort McMurray or in other locales around the province and throughout the rest of the world — were at a safe distance and though many helped directly with the devastating natural disaster, a lot more helped from the comfort of their own communities or homes, a great distance from harm’s way.
It is hoped, the tragedy in Fort McMurray will not just be a news clip or sound byte or news story of the week, which happens all too much in an oversaturated media/social media world. It will take years to rebuild the community of Fort McMurray. Much like in High River, during flooding devastation, how soon one forgets about how long it took to even start rebuilding that community.
Even communities in Lethbridge County continue to move forward rebuilding or fixing issues brought on by recent flood events. We mustn’t forget the events that happen around the world, especially in our own backyards. We must, collectively, recall from time to time the tragedy but most importantly we must remember all the good that came out of said tragedy, as well.
The best of humanity shines on the darkest of days.

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