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There are many people who like to say, “ I am always busy,” when it comes to prayer, or attend church.
They haven’t been active for many years and their commitment to be in God’s presence has totally disappeared. I used to feel that I was missing something
when I only attended Mass once a week. I never took part in the activities until I felt the Holy Spirit encouraging me to join various lay ministries like the choir, Knights of Columbus and led hymns during weekday Masses.
I was a Sacristan for eight years, but had to slow down due to medical problems. But I haven’t forgotten about God when I was hospitalized.
I kept my faith by praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary daily.
No time for God
What fools we are to clutter up our lives
with common things
And leave without heart’s gate the Lord of Life itself—
No time for God
As soon to say no time to eat, or sleep, or love or die,
Or you should dwarf your soul and when the angel of
death comes knocking at your door,
A poor misshapen thing you’ll be to step into eternity.
No time for God
That day when sickness comes or trouble finds you out,
And you cry out to God
Will he have time for you?
PAUL JONES, Coaldale
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