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I went to the town office for the meeting on June 10, 2019.
The mayor and council were to answer the questions asked of them at the meeting the week before.
There was a good turnout for 2 p.m. in the afternoon! Seems like there are lots of people who disagree with the town wanting to build a high school and recreational centre on the north side of the highway and railroad tracks!
Half the town council must have forgot to show up today because they weren’t here for an important meeting like this one (Really they didn’t need to be at the meeting because the mayor and other half of council brought lots of recruits into the meeting to waste everyone’s time)!
The meeting started and within a minute or so you could tell that the mayor and council were not going to answer the questions that they had said they would answer this meeting.
They did bring along “safety in numbers guests” that got to talk as long as they wanted, but when anyone from the town asked to speak they flatly refused everyone a voice at this town meeting or any meeting I have been to at the town office.
What an interesting way to run a town.
No one gets to ask a question or speak.
If you are from out of town you get to talk as long as you want and they did since the meeting went a couple of hours at least with no answers to the questions committed to be answered!
As the meeting began a few people from the town got up and asked why the questions weren’t being answered?
They said they were lied to and were not happy about it as they rightly should be.
From out of no where the RCMP came in the room as if they were summoned by a panic button under the mayors desk. When this happened you knew that we all got set up and that this meeting was a complete waste of time.
The only thing that this meeting accomplished was to show that the town council does not do what they promise!
The town council are completely out of touch with the people of Coaldale and all of them should resign because they are not fit to run a community as diverse as Coaldale. The people of Coaldale should have a vote on any project worth more than $500,000 dollars.
The people of Coaldale don’t want more taxes and anyone that says they do are out of touch with this town. No one approved a levy (tax) of 120 dollars to everyone’s yearly Tax Bill (levy bill now called) that pays the interest on money we haven’t received and may never receive. In the Levy bill it’s called recreation. There is no recreation involved with this new tax (levy) that will never come off your yearly tax bill.
From the way the mayor and half the council acted at this meeting they should have never been allowed to grace the positions they received by the people of Coaldale.
We were deceived at the past election on the good will of these people we call our leaders!
If the mayor and council have the intestinal fortitude to call the RCMP into a meeting a number of times when someone ask if they can ask a question then they are in the wrong position to run a town like Coaldale.
If the mayor and council are afraid of people asking questions and demanding the answers to questions that were promised to be answered then it’s time for all of these people to resign immediately!
The people of Coaldale elected these people to run the town of Coaldale and they have proved they are not fit for the job. None of the questions were answered and anyone who tried to ask a questions were almost arrested. What a way to run a town!
A very concerned home owner in Coaldale for the past 10 plus years.
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