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Dear Editor,
TV newscasts and newspaper articles lately showed the Premier of Alberta has picked another fight with Prime Minister Trudeau, this time regarding carbon capture to decrease emissions at oilsands sites in Alberta, even before he set out the rules for climate change. Does she ever look around to see what benefit the smoke stacks of pollution do to the environment? “NO,” all she desires is to produce oil and gas to make millions of dollars. Smith’s target for green electricity is 27 years from now. By that time southern Alberta will likely become a desert; whereas Trudeau’s target is 12 years.
I believe the Sovereignty Act will not help her childish way. What does a Talk show hostess know about running the Province of Alberta? Taxpayers should encourage her government to take a survey and referendum whether she should make changes to our Constitution as set out in the Bill of Rights. Beside controlling the environment, she has no right to opt out of the CPP because the population of Alberta is a lot lower than other provinces in Canada (i.e., Ontario) and will have problems supporting itself.
Premier Smith does not have support from other premiers to run her government without the help of Ottawa. Do you remember when a barrel of oil was $50 or lower? She would run to the Prime Minister for help. Just because the price of oil is higher these days does she need his help? What happens when the price goes down considerably, what will she do then? I believe Premier Smith and Prime Minister Trudeau should meet and work out their differences civilly and not put the burden on Albertans.
We hope she does not privatize AHS because this would ruin all seniors who rely on affordable medicare and other benefits. Furthermore the elected ministers should not decide how to run AHS when they do not have the scientific knowledge to run the medical team and hospitals.
Paul Jones, Coaldale
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