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By Stan Ashbee
Sunny South News
Dorothy Dalgliesh School in Picture Butte was very pleased to launch Junior ATB.
“Junior ATB teaches kids about money management, budgeting, and responsibility. I see a decrease in ‘money awareness,’ what we also refer to as financial literacy with our kids, especially in today’s society that nurtures instant gratification,” said Principal Shari Rogerson in an e-mail to Sunny South News.
Rogerson noted when a child opens a bank account to save for something tangible, he/she can increase their financial awareness and it teaches patience and the value of delayed gratification.
“Coupled with that, we have a culture of ‘imaginary money’ with the prevalence of debit and credit cards, and online banking. While convenient, these factors create kids that rarely, if ever, see the adults in their life handle money. Physically depositing money into an account and seeing it accumulate, helps kids to understand money in a more concrete, meaningful way,” she added.
According to Rogerson, her ultimate hope is kids will take this knowledge and become more aware and responsible with their finances as adults.
“In terms of the school’s Junior ATB staff, I am delighted to see the range of children who applied for a position. Working on the Junior ATB staff is allowing kids to show leadership, develop creativity, and they are learning real-life job skills. Junior ATB staff are required to commit to at least two lunch hours a month to plan, create, and run the bank, but are always enthusiastic and happy to participate. All these skills are helping with kids’ confidence,” said Rogerson.
During the school’s grand opening celebration, held recently, Junior ATB staff, as well as students and school staff, were invited to open a bank account with ATB.
“Our Junior ATB staff created a commercial for ATB, posters to advertise the grand opening and ATB in general, and planned the format and presentation of the grand opening assembly. I’d like to thank Amanda and Michelle, and the entire Picture Butte ATB Branch for leading this great program. I am excited to see the program grow and develop,” Rogerson added.
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