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By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News
Coalhurst Miners’ Days kicks off this Friday, in a two-day, town wide celebration.
“Coalhurst Miners’ Days is really all about celebrating the town history, our coal mining history, and just putting on a celebration to kind of just remember it and celebrate it,” said Deb Florence, co-chair of the Coalhurst Miner’s Days Historical Association. “It’s really just a town celebration.”
Festivities start on Friday, Aug. 10, in Miners’ Park at 6 p.m. Attendees are invited to sing and dance with Best Choice Entertainment, enjoy the beer gardens, silent auction, 50/50 draw, snack on smokies and perogies and other activities.
Saturday, Aug. 11, will start off with a pancake breakfast at the community centre, from 7:30-9:30 a.m. breakfast will cost $2 per person, or those six and under get to eat for $1.
A parade will go at 11 a.m., with the RCMP leading floats down 2nd street before turning left on 51st Avenue, left at 6th Street and ending at 55th Avenue. Floats entries will be judged in six different categories; non-profit, school, children’s, community group, business/industrial/commercial and municipality.
After the parade, people can then head to Miners’ Park for an afternoon of fun.
“There’s a big Show and Shine, the Coalhurst Fire Department does a slip n’ slip for us, there’s bouncy castles, a petting zoo, pony rides, children’s games, food trucks, and again we’ll have the beer gardens, silent auction, face painting, just a little bit of everything.”
Noting that she may be “a little biased”, Florence encourages people to come out to celebrate Miners’ Days with the town.
“It’s all about celebrating Coalhurst and our history, and it’s really great. It’s a great way to pull all the community groups together and pull our town together and host a celebration.”
Anybody interested in volunteering for the Miners’ Days celebrations is encouraged to contact Florence at 403-394-5150, or email
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