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Coaldale town council takes steps to rezone annexed Malloy lands

Posted on November 27, 2018 by Sunny South News

By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News

Coaldale town council has taken steps to rezone some recently annexed lands.

During their regular Nov. 13 meeting, Coaldale town council was presented with two bylaws to rezone the west and east half of Malloy land as a town land use. Both parcels in question had been annexed from Lethbridge County earlier this year, and need to change their county land-use district designation into a town designation.

The first bylaw presented, bylaw #749-P-11-18, aims to re-designate lands presently designated as county zoned Rural Urban Fringe (RUF) district to the town’s Urban Reserve (UR). The land is described as the west half of SW 15-9-20 W4M.

“As a matter of due process, we’re simply bringing this forward to council to see if we can that changed to Urban Reserve — which is the town’s holding district — until more detailed plans are understood for the residential development in that area,” said Spencer Croil, director of planning and community development for the town.

The second bylaw presented was similar to the first. Bylaw #750-P-11-18 aims to re-designate lands presently designated as county RUF to the town’s Institutional/Recreational (I/R) district. The land is described as being the east half of SW 15-9-20 W4M, which covers the Malloy Drain Phase 2A area and remaining undeveloped areas.

Council unanimously passed first reading of both bylaws. Public Hearings for the bylaws will be held at a later date.

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