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Rural business rezone passed

Posted on August 25, 2020 by Sunny South News

By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News

Lethbridge County council has approved a Land Use Bylaw amendment for a property’s existing use following a public hearing.

Bylaw 20-014 aims to amend the LUB from Grouped Country Residential (GCR) to Direct Control (DC) for Plan 9610161 Block 4 Lots 2 in the NW 34-10-21-W4. It was previously given first reading during council’s regular June 18 meeting.

The applicant, Premiere Woodworking, operates a woodworking shop on the property, located off Range Road 212A near Picture Butte. When a review of the county’s records was completed for the property, it was determined that the property did not have the the appropriate zoning or development permits in place for that use. A GCR land-use district does not allow for a stand-alone commercial or industrial use.

After a discussion with the landowner, it was determined that rezoning the property to a DC district would be appropriate, as it would allow for only the current uses on the property and not allow other industrial or commercial uses, which could negatively impact the adjacent residential properties.

In response to a question posed by council about whether the business had been there before the area was zoned GCR, county senior planner Hilary Janzen said the zoning changed for the area in the 1980s to allow for residences there, before the business was established on the land.

“Things happen, they pop up. Somebody starts a little home-based business and all of a sudden it grows. Which is great, you know, that’s what we want to see happen,” said Janzen. “It’s just important to have the appropriate zoning and also permits in place to make sure there’s no conflicts arising in the future.”

No comments were received in regards to the proposed application.

After a brief recess of the public hearing to allow people to call in and voice their concerns, Lethbridge County council performed second and third and final reading of the bylaw. Reeve Lorne Hickey was absent from the meeting.

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