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Coalhurst director of operations brings forward report

Posted on June 23, 2022 by Sunny South News

By Kenyon Stronski
Sunny South News

Leading on from the CAO report, Coalhurst Mayor Lyndsay Montina asked CAO Kim Hauta if there were any comments he had from the director of Operations report at their June 7 regular meeting.

Hauta indicated there was, and began off with a check being signed.

“You had signed a cheque today that was noted to be very large for some indicators and it was a good thing too because as fast as we got it, we had some issues with the newest one on the road and that’s an inoperable scenario, so we had to spring a new one into action fairly fast which is good. The other thing I guess is the spray park. You’ve probably seen and heard people talking, there’s a little bit of a delay in the opening of it again due to not having the surfacing right on there, however, it is now being completed and is correct and finally done right. Even with the initial stall at the bit, they were coming down to do something a little different, but now it’s done right and by the right firm that we should have done it with originally in the first place so from my understanding it should be operable this week.”

Coun. Deborah Florence began with the first question.“I guess I just wanted to say in regards to the cheque, I think that we should share these purchases with our community. I thought it would be great to do and maybe do something like a little naming contest or something but just a great way to bring the public along with us and add another layer of transparency. Something like that, I just thought it would be good if we shared with them.”

Deputy Mayor Heather Caldwell carried on from Florence’s point, “Did you hear they had a ‘big truck petting zoo’ at the library a number of weeks ago? And it might not be a bad idea to have something like that this summer because we have some great fire trucks and wonderful public works trucks. The kids would just love those and maybe that could be a part of a naming competition.”

Leading on to other questions, Florence said, “More of a comment because I absolutely love the spray park, but I noticed it was just done in a day, so I just wanted to say kudos for that. And then again with the spray park, I had seen a post about everybody complaining, so I guess I just wasn’t sure if there had been a lot of complaints, but I guess it kind of brought me into a conversation and I think it’s something that we talked about with bylaw policy kind of creating that informal or formal complaint processes and that community standards kind of thing. I just wanted to draw some attention to that and ask where you’re at drafting that and bringing it forward.”

Hauta commented that he has received a couple of copies of the Community Standards Bylaw to look at “and a little bit of the processes as well so we’ll definitely look into it when we get a moment.”

Moving to look at the fire breaks, Florence posed a question on what it is, and if it has anything to do with a small bit of dirt that’s being moved behind a shop.

“So, this is basically behind 7th Street, which is in the wetland area there,” said Hauta. “We’ve always sort of tilled it up in there just so if the grass does catch fire or something and would happen to go towards the properties there — it makes it so there’s a little bit of a break. So it’s just a precautionary measure that’s been done.”

The next question came from Coun. Scott Akkermans, who inquired inquired into the spray park.

“Just with regard to the spray park there and that, we’re up to par on all of that. Does that mean the final payment will be made? I know that we still have the $250,000 listed on the capital budget for the spray park, so I’m assuming that it should probably be able to be paid out pretty quick and just kind of get that one off the books?”

Hauta responded that it certainly would, however, would be subject to any hold back for warranties.

A motion was started to accept the report and was passed unanimously.

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