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Picture Butte mayor and councillor reports

Posted on December 1, 2022 by Sunny South News

By Kenyon Stronski
Sunny South News

Mayor Cathy Moore was first up to the plate to present her report of happenings since the last meeting of council on Oct. 24.

“Since our last regular meeting on October 24, on November 3 I attended a community futures meeting, and November 4 was Mayors and Reeves. We had our new Deputy Premier, Nathan Neudorf present and MLA Grant Hunter. Nathan Neudorf is making the recommendation that they change the name of the Alberta Sovereignty Act of Alberta’s Constitutional Rights Protection Act. Sounds better than the Sovereignty Act. I don’t know if it’ll happen or not and he announced that the election will be at the end of May. MLA Grant Hunter suggested that everybody who is not locked into a fixed rate for any finance utility rate to lock in because it is going to skyrocket. They also noted that the new premier is in favour of pursuing the new provincial policing. We asked a lot of questions.”

On Nov. 9 they also attended their Coffee with a Cop meeting, to which Moore said she was very pleased with and was quite happy with the results. “I didn’t think we’d have as many show up as we did, and we had four police officers — two were off duty and two were on duty — as well as 10 people. That’s usually about what we have when we have anybody invited out to meet with council or anybody else so it was good. November 11 I attended Remembrance Day ceremonies and thank you to Councillor Papworth and her husband they did a great job with the music and the whole presentation.”

Deputy Mayor Henry de Kok was up next, saying he attended Coffee with a Cop and Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Coun. Cynthia Papworth attended the Green Acres Health Foundation board meeting, but said there wasn’t a ton there to report. Bringing up Piyami Lodge is still their main priority, and they’ve talked with both MLA Hunter and MLA Joseph Schow on the issue. “I think the more we get it out there, the more it’ll become common in Edmonton I’m hoping so everybody recognizes we do need it.”

“November 3, I had a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The business awards and the Citizen of the Year awards are up for survey so if anybody wants to go under the Picture Butte Chamber of Commerce you can nominate a business or citizen. Piyami is holding a silent auction right now from November 1 to November 30. You can go into the Lodge and put bids down and they were telling us it’s open to the public because that money goes towards their funding. December 2 is Midnight Madness, and I think it’ll be really good. The Ag Society is doing five, $500 meat baskets they’ll raffle off and pictures with Santa is being sponsored. That was the Chamber meeting, and then on November 9, I had Coffee with a Cop and Remembrance Day on November 11.”

Coun. Theresa Feist was up next to the plate, reporting on her FCSS meeting where she said early next year they’ll be bringing back their ‘all-council’ meeting — so all of Picture Butte council will be able to attend.

“November 9, I was also at the Coffee with a Cop which was a very good turnout and November 11, I spent the Remembrance Day over at Nobleford because a Veteran I know was honoured.”

Coun. Scott Thompson reported on attending Coffee with a Cop and Remembrance Day ceremonies.

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