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County of Lethbridge council briefs from Feb. 15

Posted on March 21, 2024 by Sunny South News

By Heather Cameron
Sunny South News

The following are select briefs from the County of Lethbridge Council Meeting that took place on February 15, 2024.

Bylaw 22-015 – Road Closure, Sale and Consolidation, Second and Third Reading

Hilary Janzen, Manager of Planning and Development for Lethbridge County, told Council that Bylaw 22-015 is an application to close a portion of the lane in Diamond City located north of Clark Avenue and to be consolidated with the adjacent lots to the south. The application, Janzen said, was brought forward originally in November of 2022 and it went goes through a process where the County contacted the utility companies to ensure that all easements were addressed and after that and the public hearing on Dec. 1, 2022, it was sent to Alberta Transportation for final approval. The application was approved by them on Feb. 1, 2024 and now it is being brought back to Council. First reading, Janzen said, was on Dec. 6, 2022.

Janzen said that the road in question is undeveloped and upon review, County Administration has determined that the road is not required as part of the County’s road network. Alberta Transportation also has no objections with the County closing, selling, and consolidating the road. 

Upon approval of second and third reading, the lands will be consolidated to the residential parcel and registered at land titles.

Administration made the recommendation  that County Council proceed with second and third reading of Bylaw 22-015. Councillor Sayers moved that Bylaw 22-05 be read a second time and the motion was carried. Deputy Reeve Kuerbis then moved that Bylaw 22-015 be read a third time and the motion was carried.

Bylaw 22-021 – Road Closure, Sale and Consolidation- Second and Third Reading

Hilary Janzen, Manager of Planning and Development for Lethbridge County, told Council that an application has been made to close a portion of Road Plan 9511762 (Township Road 9-0B) and to consolidate it with the adjacent lot to the north. Janzen said that the application was first brought to County Council for first reading on January 12, 2023 and the public hearing was held on March 16, 2023 before being sent to Alberta Transportation. Given that Green Prairie built the road in question, Janzen said, County Council waived the land cost fees at the March 16, 2023 Council. Alberta Transportation also recommended that the bylaw be given second and third reading. Ultimately, Councillor Van Essen made a motion that Bylaw 22-021 be read a second time, and the motion was carried. Following a motion that Bylaw 22-021 be read a third time the motion was carried.

Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation – Donation Request

Administration presented a donation request from the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation. Administration stated that the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation was formed by retired military personnel over 18 years ago in order to honour comrades who have died in service in the Canadian military and that one part of their request is for a memorial that they will put in place honouring Fallen Soldiers of Lethbridge County. Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation, Administration said, has made similar requests since 2019, and in 2023 Council approved a donation in the amount of $500.00.Administration recommended that County Council approve a donation to the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation in the amount of $500.00 to recognize and honour many of the Lethbridge County Veterans who have served Lethbridge Country with the funds being taken from the Councillor’s Discretionary Reserve based on current policy, but they also stated that Council does have the option to alter the amount if they wish. 

Deputy Reeve Kuerbis noted the cause was a “worthy” one and he believed that Council needs to make sure that they recognize the sacrifices that past soldiers have made and that the current soldiers are making and following that, he made the motion that Council approve a donation to the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation in the amount of $500 to recognize and honour many of the Lethbridge County veterans who have served the country with funds being utilized from the Councillor’s Discretionary Reserve. The motion was carried.

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