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By Trevor Busch
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Nominations are now open for 2024 inductions into the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame.
The Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame was created in 1951 to recognize individuals on a biennial cycle who have made significant contributions to the agriculture and food industry and to the development and sustainability of rural life in Alberta.
“We do agriculture quite well in our riding,” said Taber-Warner MLA Grant Hunter. “And basically, every two years up to three individuals that have demonstrated exemplary leadership or had a province wide impact on Alberta’s agricultural industries are inducted.”
Under Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, the Selection Panel is appointed by the Deputy Minister and is comprised of a cross-section of panelists representing Alberta’s agriculture industry.
In terms of eligibility, successful nominees will have demonstrated leadership in farm, rural or commodity organizations, or in the food industry, and must have been demonstrated over many years at the provincial level; and the candidate must have made a significant province-wide impact on the industry as a whole.
“And so if anybody in that area, anybody that constituents can think of, are interested in nominating someone, the nominations need to be in by May 3, 2024. And then later in the year, they (could) be inducted,” said Hunter.
A candidate must be nominated by three individuals other than members of the candidate’s immediate family. Nominators may submit a nomination on behalf of an organization or independently as individuals.
Application forms can be downloaded at
Inductees in 2022 included Bruce Beattie, Simone Demers-Collins and Jack Lewis.
The nomination deadline in May 3, 2024.
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