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New upgrades coming to Butte’s hockey rink

Posted on December 22, 2022 by Sunny South News

By Kenyon Stronski
Sunny South News

The Town of Picture Butte may soon see some upgrades at the local arena.

Aaron Benson, director of Operations for Picture Butte stepped forward to give his report at their Nov. 28 regular council meeting following the CAO where nothing urgent was reported.

“Since the last operations report, myself and the CAO attended a meeting that will be discussed in the closed session and we will provide recommendations. Streets, replacing and fixing streets and signs like for example Factory Drive.”

In addition, Benson also reported they would be working on the arena due to the use and the incredible turnouts they’ve been having. These upgrades and updates will feature the installation of new toilets and pricing of new rubber for the flooring inside and other locations. “I’ve also got a pricing for carpet in the library just to see as well as pricing for Christmas lights.”

In response to the comment on Christmas lights, Deputy Mayor Henry de Kok brought forward some information.

“You may or may not know this, I didn’t either, but it used to be that the tire shop took care of decorating our Cor Van Raay little gathering place and apparently last year they handed everything over to the town staff and the town staff did it last year and that’s just what I was told.”

CAO Keith Davis responded that last year the kids from the high school had volunteered to set up the lights, and being as that’s how it was facilitated, the connection was made there. As of the council meeting, there are some trees undecorated in Picture Butte.

Mayor Cathy Moore joined the conversation, commenting someone, and not necessarily the town, but an organization or business would then need to step up as the town can still supply all the Christmas decorations.

De Kok made the observation that all it would take would be a letter to the school from someone as well to ask if any of the high school students would be interested in volunteering to help decorate for Christmas.

Last, Coun. Theresa Feist brought up a clock that has stopped working in town and wondered if there was any plan. Davis responded the clock in its condition is currently irreparable and they will look into doing something else with the space.

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