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It’s official. A spring election has been called for May 5 in Alberta. The province is set to elect possibly a new leader and political party.
It’s a chance to regroup and rethink the past 40 years, while looking forward into the future, as Albertans can gaze into the crystal ball and foresee the next few years — according to their needs and wants.
Many politicians and political parties will be vying for your utmost attention — telling you this and promising you that — while voters begin to feel overwhelmed and unwilling to even head to the polls.
Yes, blame the politicians and political parties.
Alberta voters don’t have a chance, as elections bring out the worse in those wanting the vote. It’s a sad case each election but voters need to suck it up and learn about the politicians and political parties and make an informed decision.
The provincial Progressive Conservatives, under the leadership of Premier Jim Prentice, seem confident to gain the majority vote — as they have for decades in Alberta.
But, could Albertans be tired of the same old same old? Could change be on the horizon throughout the province? An election is a time for hope and evolution.
Voter apathy is becoming the norm throughout Canada.
In Alberta, many voters choose not to vote, simply because they feel as though their vote doesn’t matter and each politician is a huckster. Politicians need to connect with the electorate — even though many politicians plead their case there isn’t a disconnect between politicians and their bosses (voters) — many Albertans believe the opposite is true.
Before May 5 — read local newspapers, check out websites online and watch local television newscasts to learn about those Albertans seeking a seat in Alberta politics.
Find out when communities will be holding Alberta Election forums and take in one or two to get a feel for the candidates and how they act or react to the issues.
And, on May 5, head to the polls and help elect the next political leader in Alberta.
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