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Lights, traffic – unfortunately, no action in many parts

Posted on June 23, 2015 by Sunny South News

Southern Alberta is a bustling region of the province, traffic-wise. Why then does Alberta Transportation seem to move at a snail’s or turtle’s pace at fixing problem intersections throughout the province it serves?
It took many fatalities near Nobleford to get an eventual round-a-bout at the intersection of Highways 23 and 519, which is supposed to be put in sometime this year. Highway 3 near Coalhurst is indeed a troublesome spot.
But, one of the supposed mandates of Alberta Transportation, according to reports, is not to slow down the flow of traffic with traffic light signals and the like. So, what is a concerned municipality to do?
Coaldale also has its fair share of traffic woes. The intersection of secondary Highway 845 and the town’s main street or 20 Ave by 7-11 is simply put, a monstrosity. Traffic from every which way speeds by and causes chaos, especially during rush hours when local schools let out for the day and during lunch time or pretty much whenever, these days.
Lethbridge County just announced the installation of a new traffic signal light at Broxburn Road off of Highway 3. The Town of Coaldale doesn’t like that idea, according to reports.
It was reported at a recent Coaldale and District Chamber of Commerce meeting if a municipality can afford it, they can foot the bill for new traffic signal lights and the like, without having to wait for Alberta Transportation to get involved, at least financially.
Talk about service lanes or overpasses have been discussed, in regards to various locations throughout Alberta, on major highways and other roadways. Money is always an obstacle, it seems.
Alberta Transportation, getting on board, on projects in a timely fashion seems to be another. Perhaps, rules and regulations about roadways and highways in Alberta should be re-examined and put under a microscope for some good old fashioned fine-tuning.
In Coalhurst, perhaps a speed change could be enforced. Slow down traffic, when passing the Coalhurst intersection. It’s not rocket science, really.
Some primary and secondary highways do it all the time, just look at Highway 5 between Lethbridge and Cardston. Traffic is slowed down for a small town. Traffic is slowed down on Highway 25 between Lethbridge and Picture Butte too, in Shaughnessy. So, it can be done.
Why doesn’t Alberta Transportation start realizing major highways just might need “slow down” sections to alleviate crashes and unnecessary deaths, which happens way to often on southern Alberta roads?
If motorists were to slow down at troubled intersections, wouldn’t that help with the numerous accidents?
Wouldn’t it be affordable to slap up a speed zone change without having to put in traffic signal lights, a round-a-bout or an overpass? It seems, places with speed zone changes, don’t have the troubles other Alberta intersections do.
One day, maybe Coaldale will get that much needed traffic signal light at one of its busiest intersections. Someday, maybe less crashes will happen near Coalhurst and one less death in the Nobleford area is good news if a round-a-bout can help alleviate any more tragic incidences.
Albertans should propose changes to the way Alberta Transportation does business on the province’s roadways.
Maybe the Alberta Transportation Act needs to be revamped and/or re-adjusted to help out with troublesome areas throughout the province. Northern Alberta most likely has just as many issues at certain intersections or places along the road.
Money shouldn’t be an issue, if people’s lives are at stake but so often it is. Whether it’s to do with transportation, health services, social services or any other of the valuable programs or services the government is affiliated with.
Overhauls to out-dated policies are sometimes better than an overpass.

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