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Last Tuesday, the Town of Coaldale held flood debrief sessions to provide residents an opportunity to share their flood-related stories, gather information and to educate. Another session was held in the evening and a session is scheduled for Sept. 9.
There were several stations set up at The Hub in Coaldale for an informal session dealing with resident personal impact statements, flood mitigation and municipal affairs was on hand to talk to residents affected by recent flooding. Alberta Emergency Management was also on location to discuss emergency preparedness before an emergency.
“My role is as a representative of Alberta Emergency Management Agency. A provincial agency that supports, assists and advises municipalities before events, before emergencies, during emergencies and after emergencies. I’m a field officer and I was here during the flood at times and I am now here at the request of the municipality and the CAO to be here to represent the agency and answer questions of residents if they have personal preparedness and emergency management related questions,” said Dieter Langer, field officer with the East Central Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
As the literature on the subject of emergency preparedness states from the Government of Canada — Know the risks. Make a plan. Prepare a kit. Is your family prepared for 72 hours?
Lessen the impact of a flood by taking the time to prepare in advance. This involves three basic steps: Find out what to do before, during, and after a flood, make a family emergency plan, so that everyone knows what to do, and where to go in case of an emergency and get an emergency kit, so that you and your family can be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours during a flood.
Planning for a flood will also help prepare you for many other types of emergencies.
According to statistics in Canada, approximately 85 per cent of Canadians agree having an emergency kit is important in ensuring family safety, yet only 40 per cent have prepared or bought an emergency kit.
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