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County road closure submitted to AB Transportation

Posted on October 13, 2020 by Sunny South News

By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News

Lethbridge County has taken the next step to close a road in the Lucy-Howe Subdivision.

During their regular Oct. 1 council meeting, Lethbridge County council held a public hearing for the road closure Bylaw 20-007.

The bylaw – for the Road Closure, Sale and Consolidation of a portion of Sidney Road within subdivision plan 4000AQ (Lucy-Howe Subdivision) — would close a road in the Lucy-Howe Subdivision, being a portion of Sidney Road in subdivision plan 4000AQ. The proposed road closure is 187.05m (614 feet) long by 10.06m (33 feet) wide (0.188 hectares / 0.46 acres).

The lands were taken as a road right-of-way when the area was originally subdivided in 1913 and have never been developed for use as a road since its creation.

The county has determined that this portion of road will not be required for future use and can be closed. If approved, the applicant will be required to consolidate the road closure area into their adjacent parcel which is located north of the road proposed to be closed.

County council has previously performed first reading of the bylaw at their Aug. 6 meeting.

Hilary Janzen, senior planner for the county, said that Alberta Transportation, as an adjacent land owner, was notified of the road closure and had no concerns.

No correspondence was received in regards to the road closure, and no one spoke in favour or in opposition of the bylaw.

If the county chooses not to go ahead with the road closure, they would lose out on the sale revenue of the road and continue to be responsible for its to management and maintenance. However, by not going forward with the road closure, it would keep the portion of road open and alleviate any concerns from the public regarding access, although Janzen added that the county hadn’t heard of any so far.

Prior to receiving second and third reading, the bylaw first must be sent to the Minister of Transportation for approval. Once it receives ministerial approval, the second and third reading of the bylaw can proceed, although it may take a while for the approval to be received.

“These road closures can take up to a year for Alberta Transportation to finalize,” said Janzen. “It’s just part of their process. They’ve had a lot of these come on their table, so they have to look at all of them.”

Council approved that the proposed road closure be sent to the Minister of Transportation for approval.

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