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Picture Butte bylaw amends fees, charges and rates

Posted on February 12, 2019 by Sunny South News

By Nikki Jamieson
Sunny South News

Picture Butte town council has passed a bylaw to amend fees and rates in their other bylaws.

During their regular Jan. 28 meeting, Picture Butte town council reviewed bylaw 878-19 – or the Service Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw. The bylaw would amend Bylaws 690-92 — or the Dog Bylaw — and 872-18 — the Utility Bylaw.

Keith Davis said that previously, administration had been bringing forward a fees and rates policy for council to approve, instead of a bylaw, which the Municipal Government Act mandates.

“We should have been bringing you a fees and rates bylaw, because the Municipal Government Act says that you can create fees and rates through a bylaw. So that’s administration’s mistake,” said Keith Davis, CAO for the town.

“What is in front of you know is the service fees, rates and charges, that have not already been establish by bylaw,” said Davis

Davis confirmed that the town was already charging these rates, but they were listed in a policy, and not a bylaw.

According to the proposed amendments, the Dog Bylaw would be changed in the following ways:

– Section 3(f) would be amended to say “….showing payment of the license fee for the current dog license year and upon receiving the payment, as outlined in Schedule “A”, for the issuance of a replacement tag”.

– Schedule A would be deleted and replaced with “Bylaw No. 690-92 Schedule A”, which would feature the following rates:

* Annual Licenses: Unaltered dog ($30), Altered dog ($20), Senior or blind person (No charge), Dog Fancier’s License ($30), Impounded Animals per day — after initial 24 hours ($30), and Replacement Dog Tag ($5)

*Dog licenses purchased after September 30th will be charged at half the annual rate

*Section C would be deleted

The Utility Bylaw would be amended in the following ways:

– In Schedule A: Water Rates, the Bulk Water Truck Fill Water per cubic meter rate would change from $4.00 to $4.32

– Schedule A: Waste Management Rates: Garbage Collection would feature the following changes

* Residential: Change from $16.75 to $19.00

* Multi-Unit Dwelling: Change from $11.00 to 13.75

* Mobile Home Park: Change from $14.24 to $16.15

* Commercial: Change from $22.50 to $25.50

* Mixed Commercial / Residential from $22.50 to $25.50

* Institutional: Change from $102.00 to $104.25

Council unanimously passed first, second and third and final reading of the bylaw.

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