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Kate Andrews Spring Band concert returning in June

Posted on May 3, 2023 by Sunny South News

By Erika Mathieu
Sunny South News

After three years of health restrictions and cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, current and former music students at Kate Andrews High School are finally getting the opportunity again to showcase their talents in an end-of-year concert.

With the return to pre-pandemic gatherings and events, the school’s music director, Scott Godin is reaching out to former students to spread the word about the upcoming performance, which will give those impacted by the restrictions the chance to partake in this year’s concert.

Godin said, “the past few years have been difficult, and the music students at Kate Andrews have missed out on doing concerts for a few years due to COVID.”

Although Godin is hoping to reach former students from the 2020-2022 graduating classes, all former students are “welcome to take part.” The concert will feature pieces studied and learned by students during this time, including Cajun Folk Songs (2018), Aladdin (2019), and finishing the concert with Chasing Sunlight (2019).

Godin spoke to the significance of final events or showcases for students in the arts and across disciplines.

“Whether a student’s strengths lie in athletics, academics, arts, or trades, every student possesses a unique voice that deserves to be recognized and heard. When the opportunity for self-expression is removed, the result can range from misguided frustration to a genuine feeling of loss or incompleteness.”

In the context of a year-end concert for student musicians, the music director said the final school concert holds potential for students as a, “transformative experience,” and provides closure to their efforts and accomplishments throughout the year.

The idea to bring former students back into the fold has been in the back of Godin’s mind, “for a while now,” once it became evident in 2020 the pandemic situation would not be resolved within a few weeks, as was initially hoped.

“Now is the right time to provide our former students with the opportunity to come together and perform a concert one last time. This is a chance that so many of our students were unable to experience over the past few years, and it’s a moment that they all deserve.”

The Coaldale Musical Arts Society has offered to cover any instrument cleaning fees to get as many students back together as possible. The Kate Andrews Spring Band concert is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6 at 7 P.M. Former music students can reach out to Mr. Godin via email at for more information. “Please join us, it would be great to see you again.”

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